Friday, 2 May 2008

Robert Tressell event 2nd May

As part of their activity to commemorate Liverpool being European Capital of Culture 2008 UNISON, the largest public sector trade union in the UK, hosted a series of readings from "The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists" by Robert Tressell at various venues in the north-west. They also gave away copies of this much-loved classic novel to everyone who attended the readings.

On Friday 2nd May we were delighted to welcome Roger Lyon on BBC Radio Merseyside to West Kirby library. Roger read extracts of the book and then invited discussion from the audience. It was clear that many issues raised in the book are still relevant in today's Britain.

After the readings, copies of the book were handed out and Roger signed many of them while everyone enjoyed refreshments and further informal discussions.

Thanks go to both UNISON and Roger for a thoroughly enjoyable and thought-provoking afternoon.

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Friends event on Thursday, 1st May 2008

"People of the Plains" - a general history of the Plains Indians from
John Gould, arter Member of the Museum of the American Indian(Washington DC)

Thursday 1st May at 2.30pm.