Thursday, 20 December 2007

Merry Christmas!

The staff at West Kirby library wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Saturday, 8 December 2007

West Kirby Lions Gift Tree

An opportunity for West Kirby people to give gifts to children across the Wirral, and really brighten their Christmas! On Saturday 8th December Father Christmas visits the library to collect in all the presents. This event was very successful last year and we hope to make it an annual event.

Wirral Potters Exhibition, December 2007

Thursday, 6 December 2007

"Friends" Christmas Coffee Morning

You are cordially invited to our Christmas Coffee Morning on Friday, 14th December
10 am - 12 noon.
Tea, coffee, sherry and mince pies!
Raffle of Christmas hamper.
Festive goods and crafts for sale.
Don't miss it!

Christmas Opening Hours

Monday 24th Dec Closed
Tuesday 25th Dec Closed
Wednesday 26th Dec Closed
Thursday 27th Dec 9.00-7.30
Friday 28th Dec 9.00-5.00
Saturday 29th Dec 9.00-1.00 2.00-5.00

Monday 31st Dec 9.00-3.30
Tuesday 1st Jan Closed
Wednesday 2nd Jan Closed
Thursday 3rd Jan 9.00-7.30
Friday 4th Jan 9.00-5.00
Saturday 5th Jan 9.00-1.00 2.00-5.00

Sunday, 25 November 2007

User Group

Did you know that the library has a User Group? They meet every other month and give us very useful feedback on the way the library service is run and make suggestions for possible improvements.

The group is made up of a number of library users who have agreed to meet with us six times a year for about an hour.We are very grateful to them for their support of the library and for the honest and frank opinions they offer us.

If you would be interested in joining our User Group either now or in the future please let us know. In particular we would welcome some young members!

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

An evening with a Liverpool Pilot...

The "Friends" were delighted to welcome John Curry to the library on 27th October to talk about his life as a Liverpool Pilot. John's talk was very much enjoyed as was his sequence of photographs showing us exactly how an enormous container vessel was eased into dock!Refreshments were served afterwards.

Membership of the "Friends of Hoylake & West Kirby Libraries" costs £3 per year for an individual and £5 per year for two people living at the same address and entitles subscribers to discounted entrance to events and regular newsletters. If you would like to join, membership forms are available at both Hoylake and West Kirby Libraries.

Our next event will be a pub-style quiz on November 2nd. Details to follow!

Saturday, 29 September 2007

Coffee morning update!

We are pleased to report we raised an amazing £102 for Macmillan with our coffee morning and raffle on 28th September. Thanks to the staff for baking cakes, selling raffle tickets and serving the refreshments and to the public for their enthusiastic support!

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Adult Reading Group meets next on October 4th

This month we will be discussing "The Abortionist's daughter" by Elisabeth Hyde. From 6 pm in the library; refreshments provided!

Coffee Morning for Macmillan!

Join the World's Biggest Coffee Morning at West Kirby Library
World's Biggest Coffee Morning is one of the biggest fundraising events in the UK, with an estimated 2 million people raising their mugs for Macmillan last year. This year's event takes place on Friday 28 September (or choose a date that suits you) and with your help we aim to help Macmillan raise over £7 million for people affected by cancer.

10.30 - 12 noon.

Saturday, 8 September 2007

A talk on the Liverpool Pilots by John Curry

The "Friends of Hoylake & West Kirby Libraries" invite you to join them for
"Guardians of the dawn - the Liverpool Pilots" - a talk by John Curry, Liverpool Pilot.

To be held on Thursday 27th September 2007 at 7.30 pm in West Kirby Library.Refreshments will be served. Tickets £2 (£1.50 for "Friends") available from both libraries.

This promises to be a fascinating talk from a very talented speaker - don't miss it!

Friday, 7 September 2007

The end is in sight for the Big Wild Read!

Don't forget that the Big Wild Read finishes on 22nd September! Certificates will be printed and medals ordered and then visits will be made to schools and nurseries to present them to all the children who have taken part this summer.

Big thanks to everyone who has made this our most succesful reading challenge ever!

Thursday, 6 September 2007

Enjoy a "Book at Breakfast"

Wirral Libraries, together with "Get into Reading" invite you to enjoy a "Book at Breakfast" every Friday morning at West Kirby Library. From 10 am to 11.15, relax with tea, coffee, toast and other breakfast treats as short stories, poems and novels are read aloud and discussed in a very friendly atmosphere. Contact Julie on 0151 929 7808 for details or just turn up - you'll be most welcome!

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Friends of the Library event

Tonight the "Friends" hosted a very informative and entertaining talk from Group Capt. C.T. Moore, secretary of the Royal Liverpool Golf Club, on "The Open Golf at Hoylake - one year on". We learned a lot about the sheer determination and effort involved to make the Open such a huge success - plus lots of fascinating insider information on the problems faced by the organisers. Who would have thought that someone would have to be trained to handle natterjack toads and that special care was taken to avoid disturbing the nesting habits of the resident skylarks?

Membership of the "Friends of Hoylake & West Kirby Libraries" costs £3 per year for an individual and £5 per year for two people living at the same address and entitles subscribers to discounted entrance to events and regular newsletters. If you would like to join, membership forms are available at both Hoylake and West Kirby Libraries.

Our next events will be in September.Watch the noticeboard for details.

Katie Fforde at West Kirby Library!

On June 15th the author Katie Fforde came to the library to talk about her work. Katie is the author of books such as "Living Dangerously", "Flora's Lot", "Paradise Fields" and "Practically Perfect" to name but a few! Her latest title is "Going Dutch" and Katie read an excerpt from this which was enthusiastically received.

Her audience were full of questions for Katie which she answered with great humour and candour. After the talk she happily signed copies of her books (on sale courtesy of Linghams Booksellers of West Kirby) and posed for photographs.

If you would like to be included on our mailing list for author visits and literary events please contact us on 0151 929 7808, by clicking on the "Get in touch" link to email us or simply call in at any Wirral library.

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Welcome to West Kirby Library's Blog!

Thank you for visiting our blog. Here you'll be able to find details of library events, activities and promotions plus give us YOUR feedback on what we do. Please check back often as this blog will be regularily updated.You are welcome to leave comments.